Salmon farms go farther offshore

Norwegian seafood researchers, producers and equipment companies are looking at the possibilities of fish farming in more exposed sites farther offshore. With the help of its marine and maritime competence, the country could become among the first to farm salmon far offshore.
The independent research organization SINTEF recently started a project on sustainable farming, together with research partners and industry participants, including major seafood producers Marine Harvest and Lerøy Seafoods, that aims to study the challenges of cultivating salmon in harsher waters offshore Norway.
The study SustainFarmEx (Towards Sustainable Fish Farming at Exposed Marine Sites), running from 2011-2014, will look at the possibilities of creating equipment and systems for farming salmon in submerged sea cages at offshore locations. It is also looking at technology that will make existing cages stronger and bigger to withstand the rough conditions on the high seas.

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Original author: Valeria Criscione
Post author: Norway Exports

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