SPCC Photo Contest 2021


Everyday Green Life

Sustainable inspirations from the North

Over the last few months, topics related to the green transformation have been strongly visible in SPCC's activities and in the public debate as well.
During conferences, debates, in articles and publications our experts illustrated their point very often with examples drawn from Nordic countries.
Green solutions and technologies implemented by Scandinavian companies and cities are often a reference point for others embarking on the path of green transformation.
And what does the "green" mean for an average citizen of a Scandinavian? How does the green reality look like from the perspective of a tourist?
Share with us your travel insights. What solutions, ideas, places would you like to transfer from Scandinavia to Poland? Let’s continue to inspire each other to go green!
We are looking forward to seeing your pictures!



Each participant may submit a maximum of three photographs including short description of the background and context of each photo to spcc@spcc.pl

The deadline for sending pictures: the 15th of October 2021, 5pm

PRIZES: The winners will be given a unique chance to show their pictures in printed edition of SPCC Calendar 2022, and will be honoured with presents  sponsored by SPCC Photo Contest Partners.


Please read carefully Contest Regulation before entering the competition:


! Please place the following statement in the content of the e-mail:

 “I hereby declare that I have read the SPCC Photo Competition Regulations and I do agree for all of its provisions, in particular concerning copyrights to the photographs submitted to the Competition”.


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