A special offer for SPCC members to attend Nordic Business Forum 2019 in Helsinki!

Nordic Business Forum is one of the world’s leading business conferences. The 2019 forum will focus on growth, marketing, and innovation and the speakers include George Clooney, Randi Zuckerberg, Steve Wozniak, Brené Brown, Sara Blakely, Daniel Pink, and others.

The forum will be held in Helsinki on October 9-10, 2019, at the Expo and Convention Center. If you are a leader seeking growth, this is the place to be.

At the event, you will:

  • gain insights from the world's top business thinkers and experts
  • acquire new ideas to take you and your business where you want to go
  • build connections with 7,500 peers from over 60 countries, with the help of the network matchmaking app Brella

Special offer

As a member of SPCC, you are eligible for a free reserved seat (value 150 €) when purchasing your ticket to NBForum 2019. To redeem this offer, enter code SPCC2019 during checkout when ordering tickets. Offer valid till 20.09 or till the tickets are available.

Yes, I want to attend.

If you already have a ticket to the event but would like to have a reserved seat, you can get a 50% discount on the reserved seating add-on by navigating here and using this code SPCC2019SEAT.

What is a reserved seat? All Nordic Business Forum events have unassigned seats, so seats are filled on a first-come-first-served basis. With a reserved seat, your seat will be fitted with a seat cover with the membership organization's name printed on it. As such, you will be seated along with the other members of your organization in a designated area at the event.

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