Stena Recycling Sp. z.o.o.: Over 7 tons of recyclables - a perfect score of collection on Earth Day at STENA EkoStacja


800 visitors and more than 7 tones of recyclables - the inhabitants of the capital and its perimeter joined the celebration of Earth Day at STENA EkoStacja.

From the early morning, on Saturday 12th April at the gate on the Chełmżyńska street 180 has set a line of cars filled with electrowaste, PET bottles and waste paper. In exchange for segregated waste guests received seeds and seedlings of spring plants, as well as they took part in many activities, e.g. competition of ecological knowledge and decorating of huge Easter eggs. IKEA Targowek and Town Hall of Ząbki are partners of the event.

Over 7 tones of raw materials – this is an excellent result of Saturday's collection during the celebration of Earth Day at STENA EkoStacja - the first recycling station in Warsaw. The inhabitants of the capital and surrounding areas responded enthusiastically to  Stena Recyclings call and they brought: 4,800 kg electrowaste, 2,060 kg waste paper, 140 kg of PET bottles and 40 kg of aluminum cans. Recycling of the collected waste will allow  reduction of CO2 emission by up to 6 tones - the amount of carbon dioxide is produced by burning 1 668 litres of gasoline or while watching a 42 Inch LCD TV over 135 years.

Saturday's event at STENA EkoStacja was not only an opportunity to donate waste in exchange for seedlings of pansies, daffodils or daisies. It was primarily celebrations of the Earth Day. Visitors in each age joined in a common decorating of huge Easter eggs using scrap materials or plastic caps. The eggs went to the House of Single Mothers in Praga and IKEA Targówek, partner of the event. Guests also showed off their knowledge in the ecological contest. To what container should I throw a receipt? How many times can be recycled paper and plastic? Can aerosols be put in a container for metals? – Participants answered those and other questions. Children sorted virtual waste in a computer game Recycle Drop and in the Showroom all ecofans could see an educational exhibition solution for creating an ecohome. Visitors could also dot their impressions down in the special book of STENA EkoStacja.

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