An Energy System without Fossil Fuels is Technically Possible

The Danish Energy Agency has published an energy-scenario report and five sub-analyses on the energy system of the future and the challenges that need managing up to 2050 as fossil fuels are phased out and replaced with renewable energy.

Energy Scenarios for 2020, 2035 and 2050

It is technically possible to construct an energy system which is not based on coal, oil and natural gas. This has been confirmed in a report issued by the Danish Energy Agency entitled "Energy Scenarios for 2020, 2035 and 2050", which calculates the additional costs of an energy supply independent of fossil fuels at between DKK 6 and 29 bn. in 2050, depending on the choice of green energy system.

Five energy analyses

The parties behind the energy agreement agreed in 2012 to draw up five energy analyses of:
•    The electricity grid
•    District heating
•    Bioenergy
•    Biogas
•    The gas infrastructure

The analyses are to contribute to ensuring that conversion of the energy system to renewable energy is as cost-effective as possible. As a supplement to the sub-analyses, an energy-scenario report has been prepared which comprises a common analysis framework, aiming at ensuring cohesion between the different sub-analyses.

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