KPMG: Poland as the best European destination for Business Services Centres


According to the new report prepared by KPMG, Poland is one of the most attractive destinations for business service centres worldwide. As the largest country in the region, Poland offers probably the widest variety of benefits to foreign investors, which is why many multinational companies have already established a significant presence in Poland.

The goal of this publication is to present Poland as a potential location for shared services centres (SSCs) or business process outsourcing centres (BPOs), and introduce new potential locations for the consideration of investors. The publication covers the following subjects that are important for investors when selecting the location for SSCs or BPOs: why Poland attracts investors, key economic and political data for Poland, availability and cost of educated human capital, grants and incentives available for investors, experiences of shared services centres already established in Poland, key potential locations and their characteristics.

The report can be downloaded HERE

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