Embassy of Sweden - news


Find out about the extraordinary and somewhat forgotten history of the “ladies from the Swedish tower” - the telephonists employed at the Ericsson telephone exchange at the beginning of the 20th century.


The official naming ceremony and placing of a commemorative plate dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg will take place on 19th April at 10:30 am on Ĺšwietokrzyska Street 30. In connection to the Wallenberg Street inauguration an exhibition about Raoul Wallenberg will be opened on the Grzybowski Square, available from the 19th of April to the 16th of May.


The Embassy of Sweden invites you to a lecture by Herman Lindqvist- foreign correspondent, journalist interested in history and author of 59 books mostly dedicated to history.


On 4th December, The Embassy of Sweden has the pleasure to invite you to the choir concert performed by the Young Cathedral Voices from Uppsala(Sweden).


The Swedish Government appointed Mrs. Inga Eriksson Fogh as new Ambassador to Poland.


Letter was prepared in Swedish Language.


Message has been prepared in Swedish language.


The letter has been prepared in Swedish language.


The letter is addressed to the Swedes living in Poland.


Message addressed to the Swedes living in Poland. The letter was prepared in a Swedish language.


Message addressed to the Swedes living in Poland. The letter was prepared in a Swedish version.

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