Food Safety


On March 11, 2010 a new legislation is coming into force which changes the Act on Food and Nutrition Safety. The new legislation is to adjust the Polish law to the EU law as far as foodstuffs safety is concerned.

The Act is to increase foodstuffs safety and, at the same time, to simplify rules of conducting economic activity consisting in production of and trading in food. More liberal provisions refer to i.a. a decrease in the scope of entities which will have to get approval of the National Sanitary Inspection Authority [Państwowa Inspekcja Sanitarna] prior to starting of economic activity.

The Act is very important for entrepreneurs who produce food or introduce it to trading in the Republic of Poland. As the lawmaker has assumed, adjustment of the Polish requirement to the EU law will have a positive effect on competitiveness of the Polish food industry on the EU markets.

Contact person: Lech Gniady,

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