Employers paying for employees' absences during the flood


Pursuant to Article 8 of the draft act of June 24, 2010 on special solutions relating to removal of results of the flood of May and June 2010, an employer will be obliged to pay salary to the employee for his/her justified absence at work of no more than 10 working days as resulting from the employee’s work-time schedule. The justification for the employee’s absence is factual impossibility to perform work due to the flood. If the employer has insufficient means for payments because the employer had temporarily ceased to conduct economic activity or significantly limited the activity due to the flood, the employer may apply to the head of the relevant Local Office of the Employees’ Guaranteed Benefits Fund for an interest-free loan from the Fund.

Should the act be signed, it will come into force on the day of its announcement.

Contact person: Aleksander Kowalski, ak@pnplaw.pl

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