Changes to telecommunication law coming soon


On October 8, 2010 the Sejm approved the act on changes to the telecommunication law. First of all, the act is to introduce a possibility for a telecommunication entrepreneur of significant market position (the reference chiefly to Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.) to voluntarily oblige itself to certain actions aimed at increase of competitiveness on the market.

In the deputies’ opinion, the changes will lead to replacement of some part of the decisions of the Office of Electronic Communications [UrzÄ…d Komunikacji Elektronicznej] with voluntary actions. This in turn is assumed to increase effectiveness of actions intended to improve competitiveness on the market as actions undertaken in agreement with an operator of significant market position instead of actions imposed on the operator by order.

The act has been passed to the Senate which has 30 days to submit amendments.

Contact person: Lech Gniady, 


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