Several Economic Divisions will be shut down...


The Polish government has long been analyzing the issue of specialized IP Courts which would examine patent and trademark litigations in view of their highly complex nature, significant volume and a need for specialization. For the moment it appears that no such radical steps will be taken.

In Poland civil cases involving IP are generally examined by Regional Courts, and as regards disputes between entrepreneurs – Economic Divisions of Regional Courts (...)In practice, in several Regional Courts especially those with the largest workload IP disputes are handled regularly by the same group of judges who become specialized. Still one may have bad lack especially in smaller courts where IP cases might be examined by a person who doesn’t normally handle such disputes.

Nevertheless, a spectrum of changes has appeared on the horizon. The Ministry of Justice is planning to shut down several Economic Divisions.
A project precisely outlining these plans has recently appeared on the official site of the Polish Ministry of Justice.

Information from LDS Lazewski Depo and Partners, author: Magdalena Sołak-Michalkiewicz

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