Royal Danish Embassy: invites you for a workshop „Budowa gospodarki niskoemisyjnej w gminach – duńskie doświadczenia”


Royal Danish Embassy and the City Hall of Szczecin would like to invite you for energy efficiency related workshops that will be held on the 18th of October 2016 (from 10:30 to 15:00) at Regionalne Centrum Innowacji i Transferu Technologii, Jagiellońska 20/21.


The main subject of the meeting is “Budowa gospodarki niskoemisyjnej w gminach – duńskie doświadczenia”, and many different issues will be tackled. Those include energy plans for local governments, and the opportunity for funding projects from energy efficient zone. The initiative, being a part of the “Smart Living – w kręgu innowacji” project, creates a cooperation platform for Danish and Polish local governments and businesses, while its main strategic goal is the exchange of ideas and experiences from the energy, environment, and healthy lifestyle sectors.


Agencja Rozwoju Metropolii Szczecin sp. z o.o. is a partner of this project, so if you would like to join, please contact via mail at or call 91 333 97 71 before 10th of October 2016.


Please note that the meeting will be held in Polish.


We kindly invite you to learn more about meeting’s schedule >>> HERE <<< (available in Polish).

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