BALAJCZA Linguistic Services: How to build correct and effective messages when dealing with customers? - On-line workshop

On-line workshop with BALAJCZA

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
11 am-12 pm

"How to build correct and effective messages when dealing with customers?"

The upcoming workshops will cover sending messages to customers, handling orders and correspondence - via sources other than e-mail:
SMS, WhatsApp or messages from the company's Facebook account.

The meeting will be hosted by Ms Olga Marek-Kostrzewska, a Polish language teacher at the Lingua Polonica school, and a marketing and PR specialist by profession. She built her experience working for companies such as Benefit Systems and at numerous marketing conferences.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

To confirm your participation, please contact:
Timea Balajcza,
tel.: +48 601 913 446


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