Expense Reduction Analysts: How to optimise costs?


The upward trend in commodity prices, high inflation, unstable economic and political situation are only some of the aspects that affect rising costs in companies. Expense Reduction Analysts Experts search for solutions aimed at finding savings and reducing expenses on a daily basis.
In the latest elaboration, they presented the possibilities of cost optimization in the following categories: logistic, energy, waste management, facility management and fleet. The study in Polish can be found here: Effective cost management in the times of high inflation.

Additionally, responding to the need to reduce energy costs, they also created a material that tells how energy can be a source of savings. The elaboration in Polish is available here: Electricity - can you save on it? By introducing the activities described in the material, the company can generate savings of up to 50% in some cost categories. Expense Reduction Analysts has been operating for 30 years and has completed over 18,000 successful projects.

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