Maruta Wachta: GDPR Conference

After nine months of GDPR provisions application, the time has come to impose first fine in Poland. Since May 2018 Polish Supervisory Authority (President of the Personal Data Protection Office - PDPO) has carried out numerous control proceedings, new laws have been enacted that introduce wide changes into many sectoral provisions. Moreover, new President of the PDPO was elected quite recently. The Brexit and upcoming new laws as regards compliance are what we will be facing these days.

Therefore, what means and solutions need to be in place in order to maintain compliance? How to mitigate the risk related to administrative fines? What are the proper ways in order to provide data controller and data protection officer with peace of mind? You will get all the answers to these and other matters during the Conference we organize as a part of our annual training programme “Wednesdays with GDPR” (providing i.a. unlimited access to up-to-date model GDPR documentation).

For more information and registration form please click the link down below! SPCC members have a 15% discount.

(please kindly note that the entire programme is held in Polish only).

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