Efficient Market Entry and International Sales Expansion is possible with GROW!

Efficient Market Entry and International Sales Expansion is possible with GROW!

Most of companies that aspire to enter into new markets and expand their presence and growth internationally come across a multitude of hardships and pitfalls associated with such venture. However, those issues can in fact be minimized from the start by trusting professionals with experience that spans over a decade in the business of international IT sales expansion, who will maximize the results in a way you have never thought was possible.

Some Common Problems Companies face before internationalization:
1.    Which markets to entry and with which one start with first?
2.    Are we really ready for the sales expansion?
3.    Is it worth to invest in preparations for the internationalization?
4.    We have tried with our own sales team and some external agencies in the past and is it worth now to try?
5.    We have invested immensely in the past but the outcome is ZERO, what to do now? What went wrong?
6.    We have signed partner agreements but no sales generated after 1 year, do our partners know how to sell our solutions?
7.    Is our Ideal Customer and Partner Profiles same for the foreign markets as it is in the domestic?
8.    How quickly we should expand?
9.    Which channels to use for expansion?
10.    How to measure the success?

GROWmatica is an international sales expansion accelerator for software-driven companies, helping to scale up sales expansion activities by building both direct and indirect sales channels. The goal of any services provided is always to grow your sales revenue generated and invoiced to your customers and partners in shortest possible time.

With more than a decade of experience in the Software industry, our team has managed to assist hundreds of companies accelerate their growth through cross-borders. To put it in numbers, GROW has achieved 35.000.000 EUR of direct revenue in total within the last 8 years and 65.000.000 EUR in indirect revenue coming from channels established and managed by GROW.

Accelerate Your International Sales Expansion with GROW!
Due to an ever growing demand for successful increase in global footprint among European IT companies, we have managed to develop the most effective methods for sales acceleration suit the best for your business, no matter how complicated or niche and simple or broad your product solution might seem.
We put a great emphasis on a tailored approach that is required for any software company planning to increase its global footprint and we offer:

  • International Sales Expansion readiness Assessment,
  • Partners or Customers Prospecting
  • Lead Generation with Sales Qualified Meetings,
  • Full-sales cycle Customer Acquisition or Partner Recruitment, Onboarding and Activation.

If you now are facing a challenge of geo expansion or have been considering to bring effective international presence of your company for some time, then contact us!
It is an excellent way to get your international journey started!

Madina Akoyliyeva
Business Development Manager
+48 734 476 424
+49 3222 1851697

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