International Oktoberfest in Wroclaw

Wrocław, 09-09-2022

The 18th edition of the International Oktoberfest will take place on 9th of September 2022 in Wroclaw. An event is organized jointly by the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce, the Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland and the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce. International Oktoberfest 2022 will combine the best traditions of the meetings with new forms of networking, using modern digital solutions. IO 2022 will be organized in accordance with sanitary regulations, in the open air and with an appropriate distance for about 800 people.

The website devoted to IO 2022: has been equipped with a tool that will allow participants to contact each other, find interesting people at the meeting point in the live system, information about stands, sponsors and program points.

More details about the event agenda can be found at the link:

Please use the link to register.

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