Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania : International Forum Life Sciences Baltics 2018


The Embassy of Lithuania invites you to the International Forum Life Sciences Baltics 2018, which will be held on September 26-27, 2018 for the fourth time in Vilnius.

Life Sciences Baltics - this event is the only such international forum in the Baltic and Nordic region that attracts specialists in the field of biotechnology, pharmacy and medical equipment from around the world. Innovators in the field of life sciences are very welcome in Vilnius!

Professor Brian K. Kobilka, Nobel laureate 2012 in the field of chemistry for work on G-protein coupled receptors, and other world-renowned scientists will be the main panelists in the Life Sciences Baltics Forum 2018!

Forum topics Life Sciences Baltics 2018 (more: https://lsb2018.com/program-and-speakers/):

  • Mechanism of degenerative and genetic diseases
  • Immuno-oncology treatment - challenges and opportunities
  • Genomic medicine / Personalized medicine and diagnostics
  • Digital Health
  • Laser applications in life sciences
  • Research as an impulse for the industry
  • Life Sciences meet technologies for better healthcare solutions
  • Diagnostic Technologies

Registration and more information about exhibitors' and participants' packages: https://lsb2018.com/register/

More information about the organization, topics, Forum participants and a link to the program: https://lsb2018.com/about/about-lsb-forum/

Since 2012, world-class speakers, including Nobel laureates, have participated in Life Sciences Baltics. There were over 3,000 participants from 40 countries (Japan, Israel, USA, Germany, Belgium), including: Thermo Fisfer Scientific, Merck, Teva, MOOG, Baxter, MSD, Genzyme, P & G, Parexel, ORBIMED, Grindeks, GSK, and Ekspla. The event was attended by over 150 exhibitors, 3,000 B2B participants, 70 start-ups of key sector players and decision makers from over 40 countries.

More information about the Forum on social media:

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